Energy-Efficiency and Utility Assistance Programs

Utility costs for low-income households consume a considerable amount of their monthly incomes. Increased energy-efficiency for these households not only lowers their utility costs, but also lowers energy consumption.


The Arkansas community action agencies provide utility assistance to low-income households through the federally-funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This program operates on a first come-first served basis.Funding is limited.

LIHEAP Regular Assistance Program

Provides payment of a fixed-benefit based upon household monthly income and size. Income guidelines are revised annually. Generally, LIHEAP benefits are paid directly to the utility companies on behalf of the applicant. Qualified households can receive assistance once per program.

LIHEAP Crisis Intervention Program

Provides assistance to low-income households to avoid disconnection or to restore service following disconnection. State policy determines the maximum amount of assistance available per household. Benefits are paid directly to utility companies. Qualified households can receive assistance once per program. A copy of a shut-off notice is required.

Information Needed to Apply:
